Bank of America Opening hours - How to certify Bank of America’s schedule?

When a client wants to know if Bank of America opens today, it is necessary to choose the nearest bank to you, and then take into consideration the different variations that may exist among the bank’s offices.

Bank of America is one of the biggest financial companies in the United States and it offers national and multinational services in more than 5,500 branches throughout the country.

This bank was founded in 1904 with the name of Bank of Italy and it eventually developed into Bank of America. It is worth mentioning that they issued the first credit card in 1958 and it’s the eighth largest bank in the United States, serving approximately 10,73% of all the  country's bank deposits.

The hours in which the bank attends its clients in person, online or by phone are the following.

Índice de Contenidos

What time is Bank of America open today?

All the offices of Bank of America are open today, in spite of the limitations due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Even though some offices are closed, they open to the general public from 10:00 to 16:00 hrs, from Monday to Friday.

However, Bank of America, because of the pandemic could change its schedule, so it is advisable to enter its official website to consult any changes. Furthermore, the bank can attend all clients online in the following schedule:

    • From Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 9:00 pm.
    • Saturdays: from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.
    • Sundays: from 8:00 am to 5:00 Pm

When is Bank of America closed?

If you need to know the Bank of America hours, its offices work from Mondays to Fridays, but some of them do not attend in person on Sundays. If the clients want to carry out any bank transaction on a Sunday, they can go to any ATM, which functions 24 hours a day.

Additionally, Bank of America works on certain public holidays as many other banks nationwide. Even so, its offices are closed during Federal Public Holidays, according to the following list:

Calendario de días feriados Bank of America
New Year DayClosed
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day- January 20thClosed
Valentine’s day-February 14thClosed
President’s day-  February 17thClosed
Saint Patrick’s day- March 17thOpen
Memorial day- May 25thClosed
Independence day- July 4thClosed
Work day- September 7thClosed
Halloween- October 31thOpen
Veteran’s day- November  11thClosed
Thanksgiving day- November 26thClosed
Black Friday- November 27thOpen
Christmas eve day- December 24thOpen
Christmas day-  December 25thClosed

What is the latest opening time for Bank of America?

In normal conditions all the banks in the United States are open from Mondays to Fridays, up to 6:00 pm. However, due to the pandemic, banks are open from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, according to sanitary guides.

In view of the above, Bank of America has designed some alternatives so that all users can access its services from their computer or mobile phone. For example, Bank of America has an App for Mobile Banking that clients can use for their transactions.

Bank of America Opening hours - How to certify Bank of America’s schedule?

How to certify Bank of America’s schedule?

Bank of America is a North American financial entity that is highlighted by its excellent banking services. It is considered one of the best banks in the United States of America and it has a solid organization in order to give its clients the best services.

To be able to know Bank of America’s opening hours is easy through the following ways:

By phone:

    • Call the Bank of America phone number to be attended by the customer service 1 315-724-402200.
    • When the client is attended by an operator, then he/she must say his/her account number or credit card number to request further information.
    • If the client speaks only Spanish, please call the free number 1-800 669 6607, available 24 hours a day.
    • If the client is out of the United States, he/she could call free number 1-800.688.6086, this is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.


    • Enter Bank of America’s official website.
    • As you are on the main menu, notice on the left side of the screen a red box where you will write your username to start the session.
    • If you are not registered, click on register and create your user name and password.
    • After starting the session go to FAQ, where you’d find office schedules and all other information.

Social Networks:

When the client is a habitual user of Bank of America he/she can get information about the bank’s schedule through its social network:

    • Facebook:

Bank of America has an extensive follower community in this renowned social network. Clients can find out the bank’s schedules in the following way:

    • Enter Bank of America’s official Facebook account and start the session with your Facebook account.
    • When you access the principal section there will be the most important Bank’s news.
    • Then, click on “Send Message”, that’s to the top of the screen, a personal chat will open, and you can write your request.
    • You will get a quick response, as the bank has the best virtual service.
    • Instagram:

Through this social network, clients can be aware of Bank of America’s schedule and its changes. It is very easy, just follow the subsequent steps:

    • Enter Bank of America’s Instagram account, and look for the box to the top of the screen.
    • Write your account data.
    • Click on “Events”, and there you can request information about the bank’s schedule.
    • Twitter:
    • Enter Bank of America’s official Twitter account and start the session.
    • Press the magnifying glass symbol and there you can request information about the schedule of the bank.
    • If the client is not registered in Twitter, she/he has to register creating a user and the password.
    • Email:

Bank of America doesn’t offer any attention to their clients by email, but clients could request special services or make any claims. Only click here when you need a special assessment.

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