How to Start Investing in Real Estate

You do not know how to start investing in real estate in Mexico? The real estate investment It’s certainly one of the most lucrative business models, but only if you know how to do it … (Keep reading!).

The best returns on investment in real estate are found in large capital investments, but regardless of whether you are a beginner or not, here we are going to show you a step-by-step guide that will be very useful to make money with goods and roots.

How to invest in real estate:
Definitive guide!

Owning offices, apartments, houses or industrial buildings, agricultural properties, complexes or international real estate to later rent, can mean a high profitability in terms of passive income. Let’s see below a series of options for the investment Property.

1. Rent properties

The property rental is one of the most conventional ways to earn money with property.

Investing in the construction of a room within a house, building or apartment can generate good returns on investment thanks to the tenants who pay monthly for the leased property.

2. Buying and selling properties: House flipping

Another real estate investment option is to buy real estate such as a house and invest in repairs to this property and then sell it at a higher price.

It should be noted that for this option it is necessary to have a strong capital that allows not only the purchase of the property, but also the expenses of materials and labor that are involved for the repairs that will increase the value of the property.

3. Real estate investment groups

Real estate investment groups, also known as REIGs, are another way of acquiring real estate in order to rent it, but without having to worry about managing it.

Real estate investment groups are entities that usually buy properties and sell them to investors, but it is these entities that are responsible for the management and maintenance of these properties.

4. Real estate investment trusts (REITs)

Trusts investment in real estate allow clients to expose their client portfolio without conducting traditional real estate transactions.

REITs are usually traded on the stock exchange, which makes them quite liquid and there is no need to go to a real estate agent.

The great advantage of REITs is that they allow you as a real estate investor to participate in non-residential investment projects, such as commercial premises or office buildings that would not have been easily affordable individually.

It is critical as an investor that you distinguish between equity REITs that own property such as buildings and mortgage REITs that often provide financial assistance for real estate that often venture into mortgage-backed securities.

5. Online real estate platforms or real estate crowdfunding

If you want to participate in commercial deals for larger properties, this option may be for you. Although you need capital to invest, you will not need as much capital as if you would have required it in case of trying to buy a property on your own.

Online real estate investment platforms may have different investment capital requirements. That is, while in a real estate platform you can start with $ 10,000, in another you may need about $ 25,000 of investment to participate.

Definitely a profitable way to diversify income in real estate.

Tips for investing in real estate

We have already talked so far about various options that allow you to earn money through real estate. But you have to take into account the following recommendations if you want to be a successful real estate investor.

1. Keep a financial order

In general, investing in real estate is usually at a high price. That is when the importance of being debt free and also having a principal for the initial payments arises.

It is worth mentioning that you must have a capital fund that can be useful to solve any type of emergency that arises, for example repairing something in the property that you are thinking of leasing.

2. Research the local real estate market

If you want to have a good profitability, it is essential that you are aware of the needs of the town, that is, if the area where you plan to invest has a tendency to increase in value, then you will be interested in buying and leasing in that sector since you know that the price that the tenants will pay will be higher.

For example, if you plan to buy a building in an area where a cemetery is to be built, you will not be interested in investing in that building since you know that the rental value can decrease considerably.

On the other hand, if you know that a shopping center is going to be built in that sector, then if you are interested in investing in the purchase and rental of properties in that town, since you know that their value will increase and this represents a better return on investment. to future.

3. Create a team in your area

Real estate by nature is people’s business, therefore having real estate agents, accounting, legal and contracting experts will be of great help so that your business can operate successfully.

4. House hacking

One way to get started in the real estate market is through a strategy called “House Hacking” which consists of buying a building that contains about 6 apartment units, you live in one of those apartments and you rent the other 5.

Through this option you can obtain passive income that will allow you to cover mortgage, insurance and your own living expenses.

Why Invest in Real Estate?

The Real estate is not only one of the best alternatives to generate wealth, but it is also a great lifestyle.

Let’s see below a list of reasons why you will want to invest in real estate:

1. Cash flow

The net income that real estate is capable of generating is one of the main reasons that make this option a good source of return on investment.

2. Tax deductions

One of the advantages of dedicating yourself to real estate investment is the great money savings that can be achieved through deductions at the time of filing taxes.

3. Appreciation

The value of real estate tends to increase over time, allowing for a higher net income, either through rentals or through the sale of properties after you have invested in them.

4. Real estate leverage

Acquiring capital through a loan can allow you to enhance real estate investment. Since a house or building is a physical asset, once the property is purchased, it can serve as collateral for the loan.


The real estate market is undoubtedly one of the markets that if properly investigated and invested as it should in real estate, you can have a great source of long-term passive income.

Frequent questions:

✅How does the real estate business work?

Acquiring offices, apartments, houses or industrial buildings, agricultural properties, complexes or international real estate to later rent, can mean a high profitability in terms of passive income.

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